For the first IPaT: GVU Lunch Lecture of the academic year, Michael Best, executive director of the Institute for People and Technology (IPaT), will present an overview IPaT’s activities and offerings, and welcome the team and our partners. IPaT has four new research foci, and he will introduce the new research Initiative Leads: Professors Rudy Gleason (Global Health Equity and Wellbeing), Danielle Willkens (Just, Resilient, and Informed Communities), Allen Hyde (Responsible and Ethical Technologies), and Lisa Marks (Arts, Expression, and Creative Technologies). Each Initiative Lead will develop programs to enhance interdisciplinary research, community, funding opportunities, and impact in their areas. Best will also foreshadow some of this term’s events, including a stellar line-up for the Lunch Lecture series itself, the upcoming Wearable Innovations for Health Equity Workshop, the Fall Town Hall, and other programs. IPaT’s emerging global initiatives will be overviewed, with activities currently in Asia and Africa. He will announce this Fall’s IPaT/GTRI Research & Engagement Grant recipients. Finally, for folks new to IPaT, he will present IPaT's infrastructure and service offerings, such as its Craft and Prototyping Lab and the Aware Home. The lecture will end with an opportunity for conversation, input, and interaction.
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