Kaltura MediaSpace is Georgia Tech's cloud based "CampusTube" hosting platform for GT audio, video and image files. Faculty, staff and students can create, upload, edit, share and watch videos anytime, anywhere. MediaSpace automatically converts and optimizes your media for hassle-free distribution on the web. MediaSpace provides each GT user with their own personal repository called "My Media", links and embed codes that can be used to share your media with others. This service is offered to the Georgia Tech community at no cost.

*Note for academic course content, please continue to utilize the services provided within Canvas which allows access to video using course enrollments.

Who can upload content to MediaSpace?

The use of this system for adding content is available to Georgia Tech faculty, staff, and students. Once you upload your media to MediaSpace, you may distribute links to your media to anyone in the world for viewing.

Can I upload anything I want to MediaSpace?

Content uploaded to the MediaSpace servers is expected to conform to Georgia Tech's Computer and Network Usage and Security policy.

What types of files can I upload to MediaSpace?

MediaSpace supports a wide array of common audio and video formats. Below is a list of file types that you may upload:

Type Video Audio

Can I upload or record a video using my mobile device?

Yes, you can upload and record media from your mobile device.

What is the maximum file size I can upload for a single file?

MediaSpace does not impose a limit on the upload size, however, the maximum file size that your browser may allow you to upload is 2 Gigabytes. Keep in mind that larger uploads will take more time and consume more of your computer's memory during the uploading process.

What file type and quality settings do you recommend?

MediaSpace converts your video into multiple MP4 files–each with different dimensions and quality settings. This allows MediaSpace to dynamically deliver the best version of the file based on your viewer's bandwidth and device. For best results with video, we recommend preparing videos in 1280x720 pixels and using the H.264 video codec at about 4000 kb/s. As long as your file is at least of that quality, then you will get the most that MediaSpace has to offer. Uploading files greater than this quality may lengthen the time you have to wait for uploading and transcoding. The recommended file type and quality are listed on the upload page as well.

What does the error "User does not exist" mean?

If you see an error message that the user does not exist, it could mean the person has never logged into MediaSpace. The person must login to MediaSpace at least once, in order for their GT user account to populate in MediaSpace.

Can someone else upload media for me?

You will have two options if someone is uploading media on your behalf. The channels feature in MediaSpace makes it possible for multiple users to share access to a media item on MediaSpace. Keep in mind, however, that the person who uploads the media remains its owner.

The second option is to have someone else upload the media and then change the owner. In this case the media is transferred to a different owner, as only one GT user can have ownership of an item. Your collaborators can share media with you. If you need to share media with another person, they will need to add you as a collaborator. Adding a collaborator will make the media appear in their "My Media" repository as well when they sort by "Media I Can Publish" or "Media I Can Edit". For more information see How to change owner.

What is Collaboration

The collaboration tool in MediaSpace allows for joint editing or publishing abilities. You can give others the ability to edit your media items and/or the ability to publish your media. Adding a collaborator will make the media appear in their "My Media" repository as well when they sort by "Media I Can Publish" or "Media I Can Edit".

What is Kaltura Personal Capture?

Kaltura Personal Capture which has replaced CaptureSpace is a personal desktop capture tool which runs natively on both PC and Mac. The tool allows you to capture PowerPoint presentations, make screen recordings, webcam recordings, or just voice recordings. Kaltura Personal Capture is accessible from the "Add New" menu at the top right. Select the "Kaltura Personal Capture "option to launch.

What are Machine Captions?

Machine captions are available for all media uploaded to the Kaltura platform. After uploading your media, machine captions are automatically generated. Machine captions are generally about 70% to 80% accurate, however, these results may vary depending on the audio quality of your media. For best results, we recommend that you speak clearly and record your media in a quiet environment. Additionally, it is best to avoid using acronyms, contractions, or jargon that may be difficult for the machine to interpret. It may be beneficial to read from a script as this tends to improve the quality of the the audio track. Please keep in mind that because this is a machine captioning of the audio, the transcript will not be perfect. You should anticipate that the transcript will need editing.

Edit Machine Captions

There is a built in caption editor available under the "Actions" menu options located under each video player. From this menu select the "Caption Requests" option, then refresh the list to make the status of the caption file appear. Click on the "COMPLETE/EDIT" hyperlink under the Status column to launch the caption editor. Also from the Actions menu, you can order Professional Level 99% accuracy at a 48 hour turn around time for an additional fee. Professional level request require admin approval and a PeopleSoft number provided for invoicing your department. For more information, click How to Edit Captions for a Kaltura Video.

What is clipping?

Clipping allows you to create clips from existing media. You can create shorter clips from your own media or you can allow others to create a clip from your media. If you allow others to clip your media, it would also allow them to create a copy by making a clip of the full media item.

What is trimming?

Trimming a video allow you to remove the beginning and/or end of the video, to remove any unneeded parts of the media content.

Once I upload my files to MediaSpace can I delete the originals off my computer?

No! Always keep your original files. MediaSpace optimizes and transcodes your files to a web-friendly format. If you should ever need to publish your media to somewhere else, your original source files are the highest quality versions. Also, MediaSpace is intended for distribution and not archiving–we do not keep local backups of your files and cannot guarantee that they can be recovered if they are ever lost.

I deleted some media from MediaSpace, is there any way to bring it back?

No, when you delete something on mediaSpace it's forever. We do not possess any means of recovering deleted files, so please be sure to keep your original files and only delete those items that you are sure that you no longer need.

Do I need to publish my media and which publishing location should I choose?

Publishing your media allows others to access your media items. The location that you choose publish will determine who will be able to view the media and how they will access it. There are two types of places where you can publish your media–channels and galleries. A Channel is a collection of media items for a subset of users (or all authenticated users). A Gallery the other hand, is a collection of content that is more much more broadly permissioned (either all authenticated users, or everyone) and is organized into predefined subcategories rather than user definable groupings. The table below illustrates what level of access will be given for each publishing point.

Access Level Not Published
Published in Private Channel Published in Restricted Channel Published in Public Channel Published in Unlisted Published in Public Category
Can embed item in external site X X X X X X
Authenticated users can follow direct link to item - X* X X X X
Authenticated users can browse for item - X* X X - X
Can embed in playlist - - - X X X
Unauthenticated users can follow direct link - - - X X X
Unauthenticated users can browse for item - - - X - X

*In addition to being authenticated, the user must be authorized to view the channel

What if I publish my media to more than one publishing point?

When publishing to more than one place, the permissions for your media item are determined by the least restrictive publishing point. For example, if you published to a Private Channel and the gallery "Unlisted," then an unauthenticated user who obtains a direct link to your item will be able to access it even though this would not be true if it was published to the private channel alone.

Why can't I publish to galleries?

Media published to feature galleries will be available to the entire world. The option to publish to a feature gallery is restricted to gallery managers designated for each gallery.

Where is the Accessible (508) Player?

All MediaSpace players are 508 compliant by default.

The Kaltura Player features include:

  • Screen reader support ( fully tested against JAWS limited testing with others )
  • Audio description tracks
  • Captions
  • Tab index for all user interactive components
  • Tab into and tab out of player HTML role markups and area-labels for all controls, including sliders used for playhead scrubber and volume control
  • Keyboard short cut controls matching internet video player pseudo standard ( youtube ), with enhancements around rate control and support for custom mapping arbitrary notifications ( easily making plugins accessible )

What is the difference between the player skins used for the embed code?

From a functionally perspective there are three different MediaSpace players . The standard GT player includes standard video controls, captioning, volume control, and a full screen mode. The GT Social type of player builds on the standard player by adding a social share option. A generic Kaltura player is also avaliable.

What browsers can I use with MediaSpace?

MediaSpace has been extensively tested in the browsers listed below and is known to work properly. While we expect that MediaSpace should work in most modern browsers, we cannot guarantee the quality of your experience if you elect to use a non-listed browser.

PlatForm Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari
Windows 9+ 21+ Yes Yes
Mac - 21+ Yes Latest
iOS - - - Yes*
Android - - Yes* -
Linux - 21+ Yes -

*Some features, such as clipping and trimming, are not available on mobile devices.

Why isn't the view count for my media items increasing?

The view count is only updated once every 24 hours, so you won't see changes immediately.

What is the difference between a playlist and a channel?

A playlist is an arranged or ordered collection of media items. A channel on the other hand, is a location that allows you to authorize other users to publish content to the channel. Additionally, channels support the ability for authorized users to browse your media within MediaSpace. Playlist may be set up within a channel.

What are channel subscriptions?

Users are able to subscribe to channels for ease of access. If you subscribe to a channel, it will be listed on the 'My Channels' page. There will be a link to 'View Channels I Manage', where you can select a drop down list and switch to 'View Channels I am subscribed to.'

Note: If this is one of your channels, you will not be able to view a list of those who have subscribed. Additionally, as a subscriber, you will not receive notifications when new media is added to the channel.

What do I do if I find a video to be offensive?

If you see a video hosted on MediaSpace with content that is offensive or otherwise violates Georgia Tech's Computer and Network Usage and Security policy, please notify us by our Help Desk form and click on the flag icon on the player toolbar to flag this content for admin review.

How do I login to MediaSpace?

You will need the following information to successfully login to your Georgia Tech MediaSpace Account:

To login to MediaSpace:

  1. Open the Georgia Tech MediaSpace URL in your favorite web browser.
  2. From the user menu, click on the 'login' link in the upper right corner of MediaSpace.
  3. MediaSpace uses Single Sign-On, so at this point if you are already logged in you'll be taken straight into MediaSpace, if not, you'll be taken to a login page.
  4. At the login page, enter your GT Account Username and Password and click 'login.'
  5. After logging into MediaSpace, the page will appear the same except you should see your name appear instead of Guest at the top right. You will now be able to successfully access your content under 'My Media' and other various areas that require a Georgia Tech login.
    • Don't forget to logout (using the link in the upper right corner) when you're finished using MediaSpace. For improved security, we recommend that you close all browser windows at the end of your online session.

How do I search for media on MediaSpace?

Searches in MediaSpace are based on the tags that were added to the media items as part of their details. To search your own private media, go to the 'My Media' tab and use the 'Search My Media' box at the top of the page to perform your search.

See Tagging Tips and Uses for more information on tagging.

How do I upload a media file to MediaSpace?

  1. In the upper right corner of the page, select the 'Add New' drop-down list, and choose 'Media Upload,' to open the media uploader.
  2. Click the '+ Choose a file to upload' button to search your computer for the media file that you would like to upload; select the file; and click the 'Open' button to begin uploading the file.
  3. As the file uploads you may begin adding the details to the file. The details include:
    • Name: this is the only required field. It will be prominently displayed above the media.
    • Description: this is displayed below your media and allows you to write additional supplementary information.
    • Tags: these are used when searching for your media within MediaSpace. See Tagging Tips and Uses for more information.
    • Name: Name(s) of the speaker(s) in the video
    • Additional fields:
      • Email: optional
      • Biography: optional
      • Date
    • Co-Editors and Co-Publishers: Select users that will be allowed to edit the content metadata and related assets (such as caption files) and/or to publish
    • Complete all the required fields and save the entry before you can select to publish it to categories or channels. Note that the upload process needs to complete successfully for the "Published" option to be enabled.
    • Publish Options:
      • Private - Media page will be visible to the content owner only.
      • Unlisted - Media page will be visible to anyone with a link to the page.
      • Published - Media page will be visible to individuals according to entitlements on published destinations
  4. When you are finished editing the details, click 'Save.' You may continue uploading more files by clicking the '+ Choose another file' button and repeating steps 2–3 above.
    • Please note that at this point you may not be able to view your media yet because your media is transcoding into mulltiple flavors and you may see the message: 'This media is still being converted. This is completely normal. Your media will continue to process even if you navigate away from MediaSpace.

    How do I add Media using Kaltura Personal Capture?

    1. In the upper right corner of the page, select the 'Add New' drop-down list and choose 'Kaltura Personal Capture'
    2. Choose to download and install for Windows or Mac as needed.
    3. After installing Kaltura Personal Capture, when you select it from the 'Add New' list it will open.
    4. You have options from voice only recording to video with screenshots or Power Point presentations

    Kaltura Personal Capture Walkthrough:

    The following walkthrough, created by Kaltura, provides an excellent overview for using Kaltura Personal Capture.

    How do I edit the details of existing media?

    1. Navigate to the 'My Media' tab. Your media will appear in a list view. To the right of the media item, select the 'Edit' button.
    2. Edit the details for your media item. The details include:
      • Name: this is the only required field. It will be prominently displayed above the media.
      • Description: this is displayed below your media and allows you to write additional supplementary information.
      • Tags: these are used when searching for your media within MediaSpace. See Tagging Tips and Uses for more information.
    3. Click 'Save' to save your changes.

    How to view media analytics?

    1. From the 'My Media' tab, find and open the media item of your choice.
    2. After the media loads, select the 'Actions' drop down menu.
    3. Choose 'Analytics.'
    4. Use the following information to interpret the analytics.
      • You can use the drop down menu in the top left corner of the page, to select the appropriate date range.
      • Visit: The number of times the media item was loaded on a page within set date range.
      • Plays: The number of times the media item actually began playing within the set date range.
      • View Drop Off: The average duration (expressed as percent) that users have reached within video before leaving.
      • Avg View Time: The average time spent viewing the media.
      • Comments: Provides the number of comments on this media item.
      • Top engaged users: List of the top users who played the media items.
      • Top plays in channels: List of the top channels in which the media item was played.
      • Top plays in playlists: List of the top playlists in which the media item was played.

    How do I turn on/off comments for a media item?

    1. Navigate to the 'My Media' tab. Your media will appear in a list view. To the right of the media item, select the 'Edit' button.
    2. Click on the 'Options' tab of the edit media page and use the 'Disable comments for this media' checkbox to activate/deactivate comments.
      • Note: you can check the 'Close discussion' checkbox and leave the disable comments option unchecked to keep old comments visible while preventing new comments from being posted.

    How do I delete media from MediaSpace?

    1. Navigate to the 'My Media' tab. Your media will appear in a list view. To the right of the media item, select the 'Delete' button.
    2. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to delete the media.
    3. Click 'Yes' to delete.
      • Please note that after something is deleted it cannot be restored under any circumstances.

    How do I get the link/embed code for my media?

    1. Login to https://mediaspace.gatech.edu
    2. Click your name and select 'My Media'
    3. Select the checkbox next to the Media you want to share.
    4. Click Actions > Publish > and change the Publishing status to Unlisted. Click Save
    5. From the 'My Media' tab, any content that is marked as "Unlisted" can be publicly shared via a link. Open the media item you would like to get the link/embed code for from your 'My Media.'
    6. After the media loads at the bottom of the page, click the 'Share' button located underneath the media item.
    7. After selecting the 'Share' button, you will have a number of options:
      • If you would like to get a link, you can simply copy the link under 'Link to Media Page.'
      • To generate embed code, click the 'Embed' button and then select the player skin and player size from the list of options at the bottom of the sharing tab, Next copy/paste the embed code to your destination.

    Tagging Tips and Uses

    When you search for your media on MediaSpace, the results you get are based on the tags that you input for each of your media items. When you have less media in your account, searching may not be a priority. However, as you add more media to your account, the searching tool will become more useful. Here are some tips for tagging your media on MediaSpace:

    • You can have as many tags as you want, so don't be afraid to go tag crazy.
    • For each media item you will want to have some general tags along with some that are very specific so that it is easy to find a particular item later on.

    How do I change media ownership?

    1. On the 'My Media' tab, find the media item and select the 'Edit' button.
    2. Beneath the media, select the 'Collaboration' tab.
    3. Select the 'Change media owner' button.
    4. Enter the GT Username for the new owner.
    5. Select the individual and choose 'Save.'

    How do I allow for co-editing, co-publishing, or co-viewing?

    1. On the 'My Media' tab, find the media item and select the 'Edit' button.
    2. Beneath the media, select the 'Collaboration' tab.
    3. Enter the GT Username of the person you are adding as a collaborator.
      • If you would like the individual to have editing rights check the 'Co-Editor' box and choose 'Add.'
      • If you would like the individual to have publishing rights check the 'Co-Publisher' box and choose 'Add.'
      • If you would like the individual to have both editing and publishing rights, select both boxes and choose 'Add.'
      • If you would like the individual to only have viewer rights, select co-viewer and choose 'Add.'
    4. NOTE: A user cannot be added as a collaborator if they have never logged into MediaSpace. After logging in, the user's name will become searchable in the collaborators field.

    How do I allow clipping?

    1. On the 'My Media' tab, find the media item and select the media item directly.
    2. Click the 'Edit' button next to the media item.
    3. Go to the 'Options' tab.

    How do I create a clip?

    1. Login to https://mediaspace.gatech.edu
    2. Click your name in the top right.
    3. Click 'My Media'
    4. Locate the video.
    5. Click the 'Edit' button next to the video.
    6. Click the 'Launch Editor' button.
    7. Enter the Start Time for where you want to begin your clip and an End Time for where you would like to end the clip.
      • After setting the start and end times, you can use the Preview button to see a sample of the clip.
      • "Click Save a Copy."
    8. Then fill out the following details:
      • Name: this is the only required field. It will be prominently displayed above the media.
    9. Click 'Create.'

    How do I trim a video?

    1. Login to https://mediaspace.gatech.edu
    2. Click your name in the top right.
    3. Click 'My Media'
    4. Locate the video.
    5. Click the 'Edit' button next to the video.
    6. Click the 'Launch Editor' button.
    7. Enter the Start Time for where you want to begin your video and an End Time for where you would like to end the video.
    8. Click 'Save' to apply the changes. Caution: You cannot undo changes after clicking 'Save'.

    How do I create a new playlist

    You can create custom playlists to organize and share your media within MediaSpace. To create a playlist:

    1. On the 'My Media' tab, find the first media item that you would like to be in your playlist and select it, by placing a check in the box provided.
    2. Click the 'Actions' drop-down menu, in the upper right corner of the page, and select 'Add to Playlist.'
    3. Type the name of your new playlist in the 'Add New Playlist' box.
    4. Click the 'Add' button to create the playlist and add your first media item to it.

    How do I add media to an existing playlist

    Any media in MediaSpace can be added to a playlist. To add an item to an existing playlist:

    1. On the 'My Media' tab, find the first media item that you would like to be in your playlist and select it, by placing a check in the box provided.
    2. Click the 'Actions' drop-down menu, in the upper right corner of the page, and select 'Add to Playlist.'
    3. Check the checkbox next to the playlist to which you would like to add the media.

    How do I remove media from a playlist

    You can remove media from a playlist in two different places on MediaSpace. From both the 'My Playlists' page and from the 'Add to Playlists' tab underneath a media item on the 'My Media' tab.

    From the 'My Playlists' page:

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Playlists.'
    2. Select the playlist that you wish to edit.
    3. The media from this playlist will appear in a list. In the upper right corner of each media item, you can click the 'X' to remove the media from the playlist.
    4. You will then be asked to confirm if you would like to remove the media item from the playlist.
    5. Click 'Delete' to finish removing the media item.
    6. Select the 'Save Changes' button.

    From the 'My Media' tab:

    1. Find the media item that you would like to remove from your playlist and select it.
    2. Select the 'Actions' button in the upper right corner of the 'My Media' page. On the 'My Media' tab, find and open the media item you would like to remove from a playlist, select the 'Action' drop-down menu located underneath the media item, and choose 'Add to playlist,'
    3. Uncheck the box next to the name of the playlist that you are removing the media item from.

    How do I reorder the media within a playlist?

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Playlists' to go to the Playlists page.
    2. Select the playlist that you wish to edit.
    3. In the list of media below, click and drag the media item that you move and drop it into its new position.
    4. Click 'Save Changes' to save your changes.

    How do I delete a playlist?

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Playlists' to go to the Playlists page.
    2. Select the playlist that you wish to delete.
    3. Click the 'Delete Playlist' button at the top of the page.
    4. Click 'Delete' to finish removing the playlist. Please note that you cannot undo this action.

    How do I create a channel?

    Note: Faculty, students and staff can create Private, Restricted, or Open Channels. If you would like a Public channel that is visible for non-GT users, please submit a support request from the Help option on MediaSpace.

    To generate a new channel, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Visit https://mediaspace.gatech.edu
    2. Login.
    3. Click your name in the top right and choose My Channels.
    4. Click Create Channel.
    5. Enter the desired information and select the appropriate settings.
    6. Choose a Category (optional)
    7. Click Save.

    • Description: this allows you to write additional supplementary information that is displayed at the top of the channel (optional)
    • Tags: these are used when searching for your channel within MediaSpace. See Tagging Tips and Uses for more information.
    • Moderate content: enabling this setting will prevent new content from appearing in the channel until it is approved by a channel manager.
    • Enable comments in channels: this setting allows you to control whether other users can leave comments on the channel.
    • Keep comments private to channel.
    • Enable subscriptions to your channel
  5. 'The channel Privacy mode' there are multiple modes for how users will participate in the channel.
    • Open - All logged in GT users can view content but only admin-role users and channel members can contribute content.
    • Restricted - All logged in users can view content and only channel members can contribute content.
    • Private - Only channel members can view and contribute content.
    • Public - Anyone can view content (including all GT users and the world). Only channel members can contribute content according to their publishing entitlements.

    How do I edit the settings for a channel?

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Channels' to go to the channels page.
    2. Find the channel that you'd like to edit and click on its 'Edit' link.
    3. On the 'Details' tab you will find all of the initial creation settings.
    4. Click 'Save.'

    How do I add members to a channel?

    Note: If a user has never signed into MediaSpace, then their username will not populate in the user field. After the user has signed in, re-attempt adding them to the channel.

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Channels' to go to the channels page.
    2. Find the channel to which you'd like to add members and click on its 'Edit' link.
    3. Click on the 'Members' tab in the channel's settings to see a list of current members of the channel. Note: if you need to change a users permissions or remove a user from the channel, you can use the corresponding buttons next to each person's name in this list.
    4. Click the 'Add Member' button on the right side of the page to open the add member dialog.
    5. Enter the username (e.g. gburdell3) for the user you'd like to add to the channel; to do so, begin typing the user's name or Georgia Tech email address in the 'Enter user name' field and use the autocomplete drop-down to select the user.
    6. Set the permissions that the user will have in the channel–there are four possible choices:
      • Member: View channel content only.
      • Contributor: View channel content and add media to the channel.
      • Moderator: View channel content, add media to the channel, and moderate the channel
      • Manager: View channel content, add media to the channel, moderate the channel, and manage the channel (delegate managerial rights to additional users).
    7. Click 'Add' to add the user to the channel with the specified permission.

    How do I publish media to a channel?

    There are two methods of adding media to a channel on MediaSpace–from the 'My Media' page and from the channel itself.

    To publish media to a channel from the 'My Media' page:

    1. From the 'My Media' tab, select one or more items you would like to publish by clicking its corresponding checkbox.
    2. Under the 'Actions' drop-down menu, and select Publish.
    3. Click the 'Publish in Channel' tab.
    4. Select one or more channels that you would like to publish to. Please note that you will see all channels to which you have permission to publish in this list.
    5. Click the 'Save' button.

    To add media to a channel from inside the channel:

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Channels' to go to the channels page.
    2. Find the channel to which you would like to contribute and click on it to open it.
    3. Click the '+ Add Media' button, on the right side of the page, to open a list of your media.
    4. Select one or more media items you would like to add by checking its corresponding checkbox. Please note that items which are already on the channel will appear here with their corresponding checkbox already selected.
    5. Click the '+ Publish' button.

    Note that if the channel is moderated, you will not see your media until a moderator or manager has approved it.

    How do I approve media in a moderated channel?

    If you are a manager or moderator in a moderated channel, then you'll need to approve media before it will be displayed in the channel. To do so:

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Channels' to go to the channels page.
    2. Find the channel that you need to moderate and click on its 'Pending' link.
    3. Check the box next to one or more media items you would like to approve or reject.
    4. Use the 'Approve' or 'Reject' buttons at the top of the list to complete the action.

    Where can I view channel analytics?

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Channels' to go to the channels page.
    2. Click on the channel, where you want to view the analytics.
    3. Select the 'Actions' menu.
    4. Choose 'Analytics.'

    How do I delete a channel?

    1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select 'My Channels' to go to the channels page.
    2. Find the channel that you'd like to delete and click on its 'Edit' link.
    3. In the upper right hand corner of the channel's settings, click on the 'Delete' button.
    4. Click 'Delete' to confirm. Please note that you cannot undo this action and that deleting a channel will not remove media from MediaSpace.