Celebrating Teaching Day 2021 Poster Session
Featuring the Brittain Fellows, Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows, and Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows
Group 1: Brittain Fellows
- Mary Grace Elliot, Brittain Fellows
"Musicals in the Composition Classroom
- Julia Tigner, Literature, Media, and
Communication, "Reimagining Tech's Monuments in Public Spaces"
o Group 2: Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows and Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows part I
- “Discussing What Makes Teaching and Learning
“Effective” by the Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows
- “Learning about Inclusive Teaching: Insights and
Applications” PTLF Anti-Racist Education Faculty Learning Community
- “The Learning Environment Matters: Creating
Conditions for Academic Well-being” by PTLF Academic Well-being FLC
o Group 3: Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows Part II:
- “What is Blended Learning at Georgia Tech? “
PTLF Blended Learning FLC
- "Thinking Beyond Remote: Your Thoughts on
Current and Future Experiences" Remote Learning FLC (PTLFs)