As the global coronavirus pandemic continues, there is an urgent clinical and epidemiological need to be able to assess whether or not someone has contracted COVID19. The ResonanceDx Bulk Acoustic Resonance Sensing (BARS) platform detects the shifts in the piezoelectric acoustic resonant frequencies that occur upon antibody-antigen binding and is approximately an order of magnitude more sensitive than standard ELISA detection methods. Moreover, this approach provides results in approximately 5 minutes with no sample processing or expensive or hard to manufacture reagents, enabling the use of whole blood or saliva. The applications for such a rapid point-of-care COVID19 diagnostic test are numerous, including identifying exposed healthcare workers, safely facilitating regular procedures from dental visits to elective surgery, allowing family members to visit hospitals or nursing homes, allowing non-essential workers to return to work, college students to campus, safe travel on airlines or cruises, or admission to large gatherings for members of the general public.