Georgia Research Administrators NeTwork (GRANT) Conference 2023
10:00am-10:10am - Welcome to the GRANT Conference
10:10am-10:30am - Georgia Institute of Technology Welcome; Dr. Robert Butera, Chief Research Operations Officer, Georgia Tech
10:30am-11:00am - Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shannon Yee, Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
11:00-11:35am - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Research: Supreme Court Ruling Impact
11:50am-12:35pm - Navigating the Maze: Contemporary Challenges in Research Administration and Pathways to Solutions
12:35pm-1:00pm - Navigating the Maze: Breakout Discussion
1:45pm-2:15pm - T32 Best Practices
2:15pm-2:45pm - Post Award: Effort Certification, Sub-Awards and Communication with PI
3:00pm-3:40pm - Empowering Your Path: Navigating Professional Growth and Accelerating Your Career
3:40pm-4:00pm - Empowering Your Path: Breakout Discussion
4:00pm-4:20pm - Closing Remarks