Kuikui Liu - Spectral Independence in High-Dimensional Expanders and Applications to the Hardcore Model
From Katie Gentilello
From Katie Gentilello
We say a probability distribution µ is spectrally independent if an associated correlation matrix has a bounded largest eigenvalue for the distribution and all of its conditional distributions. We prove that if µ is spectrally independent, then the corresponding high dimensional simplicial complex is a local spectral expander. Using a line of recent works on mixing time of high dimensional walks on simplicial complexes [KM17; DK17; KO18; AL19], this implies that the corresponding Glauber dynamics mixes rapidly and generates (approximate) samples from µ. As an application, we show that natural Glauber dynamics mixes rapidly (in polynomial time) to generate a random independent set from the hardcore model up to the uniqueness threshold. This improves the quasi-polynomial running time of Weitz’s deterministic correlation decay algorithm [Wei06] for estimating the hardcore partition function, also answering a long-standing open problem of mixing time of Glauber dynamics [LV97; LV99; DG00; Vig01; Eft+16].
Joint work with Nima Anari and Shayan Oveis Gharan