*** M.G. Finn's presentation was not recorded due to containing unpublished research. This is Dr. Paul Joseph's introduction only. ***
Virus-Like Particle Approaches to Coronavirus Diagnostics and Vaccines
M.G. Finn, Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Georgia Institute of Technology
Virus detection and immunization both require exquisite molecular recognition of virus-specific structures. Achieving such recognition is one of the chief functions of the immune system. Over the past three months, we have asked the mouse immune system to accomplish this, in a straightforward but intense series of experiments focused on the obvious coronavirus target: the “spike” protein that the pathogen uses to interact with and invade human cells. The general approach, platform design and manufacture, and current results will be described, along with a discussion of where we and others may go next in the rapid development of SARS-nCoV-2 detection and therapy.
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