It is easy to imagine a future where cheap and powerful stand-alone head-worn AR
and VR displays are central to the average person's everyday computing experience.
To ensure that the open web remains healthy in this new world, web APIs and
standards must be created to ensure that immersive experiences can be created,
delivered and consumed as freely as the 2D web is now.
Over the past two years at Mozilla, I’ve worked as part of the Immersive Web
community to bring AR and VR to the web, and web-based XR will soon be a reality.
In the near future, we will see prototype implementations of the WebXR Device API
begin to appear in major browsers on phones, tablets, traditional computers and
stand-alone AR and VR head-worn displays. In this talk I will discuss how WebXR
might support the diversity of sensing and world knowledge future AR devices will
make available to applications, including geolocation, content persistence, and
advanced capabilities like custom computer vision.