Search for tag: "bold ideas in physics lecture"
Sara Seager - The Hunt for Planet BFor thousands of years, inspired by the star-filled dark night sky, people have wondered what lies beyond Earth. Today, the search for signs of life is a key factor in modern-day planetary…
From Predrag Cvitanovic
9 plays
John Preskill - Quantum Computing and the Entanglement FrontierThe quantum laws governing atoms and other tiny objects seem to defy common sense, and information encoded in quantum systems has weird properties that baffle our feeble human minds. John Preskill…
From Katie Gentilello
205 plays
Einstein's Cosmos and the Quantum: Origin of Space, Time, and Large-Scale Structure of the Universe - Abhay AshtekarFor over two millennia, civilizations have pondered over the questions of cosmogenesis. But serious attempts to address them began only with Einstein's discovery of general relativity a century…
From Katie Gentilello
104 plays