01:06:03duration 1 hour 6 minutes
Jennifer Neville - Towards Relational AI: The…
Jennifer Neville - Towards Relational AI: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Learning over Networks
43:49duration 43 minutes 49 seconds
Eliu Antonio Huerta Escudero - Convergence of…
Eliu Antonio Huerta Escudero - Convergence of Deep Learning and High Performance Computing: A Paradigm Shift for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
55:51duration 55 minutes 51 seconds
Daniel Neill - Machine Learning and Event…
Daniel Neill - Machine Learning and Event Detection for Population Health
01:01:49duration 1 hour 1 minute
John McDonald - The Potential of Machine Learning…
John McDonald - The Potential of Machine Learning for Improved Diagnostics and Treatment
45:23duration 45 minutes 23 seconds
Ross Thomson - Tools and Methods for Machine…
Ross Thomson - Tools and Methods for Machine Learning