Search for tag: "nonlinear science seminar"

Vladimir Rosenhaus - Feynman rules for wave turbulence

It has long been known that weakly nonlinear…

From  Katie Gentilello 8 plays 0  

Daniel Floryan - Charting dynamics from data

We often find ourselves working with systems for…

From  Katie Gentilello 6 plays 0  

Carlos Pérez De Jesús - Data-driven estimation of inertial manifold dimension for chaotic Kolmogorov flow and time evolution on the manifold

Model reduction techniques have previously been…

From  Katie Gentilello 4 plays 0  

Michael Graham, Kevin Zeng - Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Data-Driven Reduced-Order Models Discovers and Stabilizes Low Dissipation Equilibria

Part 2: Deep reinforcement learning (RL), a…

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

Michael Graham, Alec Linot - Data-driven dimension reduction, dynamic modeling, and control of complex chaotic systems

PART 1Speaker Mike Graham Overview: Data-driven…

From  Katie Gentilello 10 plays 0  

Alper Erturk - Leveraging nonlinear dynamics in mechanical and electromechanical structures

This talk will review some of our recent and…

From  Katie Gentilello 70 plays 0