Overview of Multipoint Perspective: Wayne walks you quickly through 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, pt perspective and their use cases.
Wayne Li email
wayne.li@design.gatech.edu Date
September 15th, 2021
Shading review on a cube.
Wayne Li email
Creating directionality with varying/choosing radii (rounds) on a cube. Notice how the sharpness or softness of the radii for rounds on an object gives the form differing character.
Wayne Li email
Bill Shades a cube using cool grey markers: basic marker application technique for cool grey markers.
Wayne Li email
This video lecture goes through a complete product design [descriptive] process combining basic primitives. Reviewing the cube as a unit (proportional scaling/doubling), Bill plots and edits…
Wayne Li email
wayne.li@design.gatech.edu Date
July 17th, 2020
In this video, Bill and Wayne describe how the vanishing points and their placement on/off the page and it's relationship to the scale of the object depicted.
Wayne Li email
wayne.li@design.gatech.edu Date
July 17th, 2020
In this video, Wayne describes how to use compass points to find cube back edges and improve your perspective accuracy
Wayne Li email
wayne.li@design.gatech.edu Date
July 17th, 2020
This video details a description of one point and two point perspective and creation of cubes in one and two point perspective.
Wayne Li email
wayne.li@design.gatech.edu Date
July 16th, 2020
Social Media for Scientists and Engineers: A Workshop with Dr. Paige Jarreau