Search for tag: "perspective."
Overview of PerspectiveOverview of Multipoint Perspective: Wayne walks you quickly through 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, pt perspective and their use cases.
From Wayne Kuen Li
82 plays
Creating Softness And Directionality Through Form RadiiCreating directionality with varying/choosing radii (rounds) on a cube. Notice how the sharpness or softness of the radii for rounds on an object gives the form differing character.
From Wayne Kuen Li
4 plays
Cool Grey Marker Demo - Shading The CubeBill Shades a cube using cool grey markers: basic marker application technique for cool grey markers.
From Wayne Kuen Li
19 plays
Basic Shapes CombinationThis video lecture goes through a complete product design [descriptive] process combining basic primitives. Reviewing the cube as a unit (proportional scaling/doubling), Bill plots and edits…
From Wayne Kuen Li
32 plays
Vanishing Points Relative To The PageIn this video, Bill and Wayne describe how the vanishing points and their placement on/off the page and it's relationship to the scale of the object depicted.
From Wayne Kuen Li
16 plays
Using Compass Points To Plot CubesIn this video, Wayne describes how to use compass points to find cube back edges and improve your perspective accuracy
From Wayne Kuen Li
28 plays
1Pt 2Pt Cube PerspectiveThis video details a description of one point and two point perspective and creation of cubes in one and two point perspective.
From Wayne Kuen Li
256 plays
Science CommunicatorSocial Media for Scientists and Engineers: A Workshop with Dr. Paige Jarreau
From Mark Keever
8 plays