Search for tag: "quantum"
NNCI_REU_Convocation_Special_Presentation_2:15pm_8/07/2017Special Presentation: international REU program at the National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan
From Leslie O'Neill
3 plays
SIAM_IP6_1:30pm_08/02/2017IP6 Curves with Complex Multiplication and Applications to Cryptography
From Anton Leykin
18 plays
ECE8813(02): Antennas in Circuits for Communications and Energy HarvestingDiscussion of Antennas in Circuits and Electronics for Energy Harvesting
From Gregory David Durgin
20 plays
The Physics of Genes and the Promise of Personalized Medicine - Alek AksimentievThe twenty-first century is poised to see dramatic advances in medicine. The rapid after water and oxygen, is the most famous molecule of life known. This is not surprising, as the eye-catching…
From Katie Gentilello
175 plays
An Evening Lecture near Piccadilly Circus that Changed the World - Rafael Benguria
From Katie Gentilello
69 plays
Honeycomb Schroedinger Operators in the Strong Binding Regime - Michael Weinstein
From Katie Gentilello
6 plays
Universality of transport coefficients in the HaldaneHubbard model - Alessandro Giuliani
From Katie Gentilello
10 plays
Emergent Pfaffian Relations in QuasiPlanar Models - Michael Aizenman
From Katie Gentilello
9 plays