Search for tag: "social"

Your Voice is Power- Make Beats. Learn Code. Promote Equity.

Your Voice is Power: Make Beats. Learn Code.…

From  Blair Banks 2 plays 0  

W.I.L.D. Fire- Reinvigorating and Re-imaging STEAM Education and Leadership

W.I.L.D. Fire: Reinvigorating and Re-imaging…

From  Blair Banks 1 plays 0  

Our Voice Matters Ivy Preparatory Academy S.T.R.E.A.M. Showcase

Our Voice Matters Ivy Preparatory Academy…

From  Blair Banks 1 plays 0  

CAPACiTY- Authentic Social Justice

CAPACiTY: Authentic Social JusticeDouglas…

From  Blair Banks 2 plays 0  

More Than Likes + Shares

More Than Likes + Shares: Leveraging Social Media…

From  Blair Banks 3 plays 0  

An Exploratory Study: The Role of Social Networks and Self-Efficacy in the Retention of Noyce Teachers - NSF Video Showcase 2019

An Exploratory Study: The Role of Social Networks…

From  James-Addis Hill 29 plays


Special Presentation: international REU program…

From  Leslie O'Neill 3 plays 0  


IP10 Structured Polynomial Systems in Cryptography

From  Anton Leykin 12 plays 0  


IP9 Caratheodory Style Theorems for Discrete…

+75 More
From  Anton Leykin 9 plays 0  

Smart, Connected Communities Welcome Address - Jennifer Hirsch, Rafael Bras

Serve-Learn-Sustain is hosting this satellite…

From  Katie Gentilello 15 plays 0  

Sustainable Futures - Bojana Ginn

Serve-Learn-Sustain is hosting this satellite…

From  Katie Gentilello 66 plays 0  

Atlanta: Whose Data Is It Anyway?: Empowerment & Ownership of Community Research - Kwabena Nkromo, Tabia Henry Akintobi, Christopher Le Dantec, Terry Ross, Jamie Wallace

2:00pm – 3:15pmAtlanta :EBB 1005…

From  Katie Gentilello 32 plays 0  

Atlanta: Can Smart, Connected Communities Also Advance Equity? Three Perspectives from Research, Planning, and Design - Carl DiSalvo, Cicely Garrett, Jesse Woo

3:45pm – 5:00pmAtlanta: EBB 1005 Baltimore:…

From  Katie Gentilello 39 plays 0  

Keynote Listener Reports - Fatemeh Shafiei, Djuan Coleon, Subhrajit Guhathakurta

8:45am – 9:30amKeynote Listener…

From  Katie Gentilello 84 plays 0  

Data-Driven Decision Making: Change what you know, know what to change - Michael Carnathan

Serve-Learn-Sustain is hosting this satellite…

From  Katie Gentilello 17 plays 0  

Reflections on Data for Imagination: Constructing Sustainable Futures Key Takeaways - Jennifer Hirsch, Bojana Ginn, Michael Carnathan

Serve-Learn-Sustain is hosting this satellite…

From  Katie Gentilello 9 plays 0