Search for tag: "spring 2019"
Rafael de la Llave - An introduction to KAM theory II: The twist theoremThe KAM (Kolmogorov Arnold and Moser) theory studies the persistence of quasi-periodic solutions under perturbations. It started from a basic set of theorems and it has grown into a systematic…
From Katie Gentilello
60 plays
Rafael de la Llave - An introduction to KAM theory: I the basicsThe KAM (Kolmogorov Arnold and Moser) theory studies the persistence of quasi-periodic solutions under perturbations. It started from a basic set of theorems and it has grown into a systematic…
From Katie Gentilello
207 plays
Yin Tat Lee - Solving Linear Programs in the Current Matrix Multiplication TimeWe show how to solve linear programs with accuracy epsilon in time n^{omega+o(1)} log(1/epsilon) where omega~2.3728639 is the current matrix multiplication constant. This hits a natural barrier of…
From Katie Gentilello
63 plays
Will Perkins - Abstract polymer models, the cluster expansion, and applicationsI will give two lectures introducing abstract polymer models and the cluster expansion from statistical physics. I will describe some of the original applications of these tools in statistical…
From Katie Gentilello
13 plays
Maureen Schmitter-Edgecome - Using Technologies to Support Memory Loss and Promote Functional IndependenceThe world’s population is aging, with the estimated number of older individuals living with memory impairment expected to rise significantly. To help individuals remain functionally independent…
From Katie Gentilello
2 plays