Search for tag: "transatlantic"
General Philip M. Breedlove - New Geostrategic Challenges Facing Our Western AllianceGeneral Breedlove will be speaking about the geostrategic challenges that western allies face.
From Katie Gentilello
9 plays
Terri Givens - Immigration, Race and Populism: Politics and Policy from Colonialism to BrexitWith images of children in cages, separated from their parents, and would-be migrants floating on overloaded boats in the Mediterranean becoming fixtures in the news media, politicians are…
From Katie Gentilello
21 plays
Achieving Individual Privacy and International Security Cooperation in a Shifting Landscape - Bruno GencarelliThe Center for European and Transatlantic Studies at The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, the Institute for Information Security & Privacy at Georgia Tech, and the Scheller College of…
From Katie Gentilello
13 plays