Tapping into Calm, TTT Tap-along Video (Peaceful Heart Network)
From Marion Crowder April 8th, 2021
From Marion Crowder April 8th, 2021
The masterfully combined Tapping, breathing, strokes, calm music, all have soothing effects on the brain and the nervous system. While the well known EFT Tapping incorporates words to carefully and intentionally trigger some stress response (for the purpose of processing,) this TTT Tapping is language-free, allowing anyone to use Tapping safely and universally by design.
To learn more on Gunilla and Ulf work through the Peaceful Heart Network, and how they have been utilizing various techniques to help survivors of deep collective and generational traumas, please visit their website: PeacefulHeart.se. It works for PTSD, it can work well for daily stress also. If you wish to have a more fun and upbeat TTT Tap-along, check out their other Tap-along video "Two Fingers - A Trauma Tapping Song from Rwanda for Calm and Joy"