Karen Rommelfanger: No longer unthinkable: Neuroethics questions for the 21st century neuroscientist Ranu Jung: The Bioethics of Implantable Biohybrid Systems Aaron Batista: Neuroethics and the…
Bassett's group studies biological, physical, and social systems by using and developing tools from network science and complex systems theory. Our broad goal is to isolate problems at the…
Understanding a native language is near effortless for fluent adults. But learning a new language takes dedication and hard word. In this talk, I will describe an experiment during which adult…
Alona Fyshe is a Assistant Professor at University of Alberta. Her interests are Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning and Neuroscience. My work combines all three of these areas to study the way the human brain processes language.
The sensory data about most natural task-relevant
variables is confounded by task-irrelevant sensory variations, called nuisance
variables. To be useful, the sensory signals that encode the…
Human behavior is founded on the ability to identify meaningful entities in complex noisy data streams that constantly bombard the senses. For example, in vision, retinal input is transformed into…