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Marcel Wilson - Bionic@X

Bionic is a landscape architecture and urban…

From  Katie Gentilello 5 plays 0  

Lines in the City - Isabel Castilla

Utilizing three projects characterized for their…

From  Katie Gentilello 6 plays 0  

udb orientation, part 2

Continuation and conclusion of the UDB overview.

+38 More
From  Brian Crowell 30 plays 0  

ECE 6335 04-03-2017

Professor Harley

+58 More
From  Desmond J Gardfrey 45 plays 0  

WPA 2.0: Beauty, Economics, Politics, Ecology and Creation of the 21st Century Public Infrastructure - Susannah Drake

DLANDstudio provides an integrated approach to…

From  Katie Gentilello 8 plays 0  

The Elegance of Topology: a Return to Site Design - Christophe Girot

Topology is a term in landscape architecture…

From  Katie Gentilello 18 plays 0  

Reflecting Absence; the Nation 9/11 Memorial - Michael Arad

Georgia Tech architecture alumnus Michael…

From  Katie Gentilello 196 plays 0  

Douglas C. Allen Lecture - James Corner

James Corner is a registered landscape architect…

From  Katie Gentilello 8 plays 0  

ECE 6335 02-01-2017

Professor Harley

+41 More
From  Desmond J Gardfrey 55 plays 0  


+69 More
From  Sean Brennan 3 plays 0  


+116 More
From  Alec Lombardo 11 plays 0  


+182 More
From  Sean Brennan 11 plays 0  


From  Xiao Xiong 18 plays 0  


From  Sean Brennan 0 plays 0  


+77 More
From  ADMIN 655 plays 0  


+54 More
From  ADMIN 3,262 plays 0