05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
How to setup Sony TV for IP Control
In order to control the Sony TV to use IP controls, you must set the following in the TV settings.
19:57duration 19 minutes 57 seconds
Georgia Tech Gilbert Library -Scholars Event…
Georgia Tech Gilbert Library -Scholars Event Theater - Audio Visual Walkthrough
Georgia Tech's newly upgraded Gilbert Library and Audio Visual Technology. The Scholars Event Theater (Room 1280) features Recording and Streaming capabilities using the Epiphan Pearl2, Web…
54:15duration 54 minutes 15 seconds
Session J: Global Learning Center Room 222
58:24duration 58 minutes 24 seconds
Session F: Global Learning Center Room 222
50:34duration 50 minutes 34 seconds
Session E: Global Learning Center Room 222
01:09:54duration 1 hour 9 minutes
Session A: Global Learning Center Room 222
48:50duration 48 minutes 50 seconds
49:15duration 49 minutes 15 seconds
ECE 6335 04-24-2017
Professor Harley
48:10duration 48 minutes 10 seconds
ECE 6335 04-21-2017
52:17duration 52 minutes 17 seconds
ECE 6335 04-19-2017
50:08duration 50 minutes 8 seconds
ECE 6335 04-17-2017
50:40duration 50 minutes 40 seconds
ECE 6335 04-14-2017
52:13duration 52 minutes 13 seconds
ECE 6335 04-12-2017
49:18duration 49 minutes 18 seconds
ECE 6335 03-31-2017
48:18duration 48 minutes 18 seconds
ECE 6335 03-17-2017
Prof. Harley
42:54duration 42 minutes 54 seconds