Search for tag: "data"

Prevent Symposium - Closing Remarks

4:50 p.m Closing Discussion: Symposium Chairs 5:20 p.m. Closing Remarks: Elebeoba May, NSF

From  Katie Gentilello 11 plays 0  

Prevent Symposium - Session 4, Physiological and Environmental Level Theme

Session 4, Physiological and Environmental Level Theme Chairs: Krista Wigginton and John Yin2:10 p.m. Denise Kirschner, Michigan, Plenary Talk 2:30 p.m. Vipin Kumar, UMN , Presentation 2:40 p.m. Rita…

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

Prevent Symposium - Session 3, Population Level Theme

Session 3, Population Level Theme Chairs: B. Aditya Prakash and Paul Torrens10:30 a.m. Bryan Grenfell, Princeton, Plenary Talk 10:50 a.m. Bin Yu, UC Berkeley, Presentation 11:00 a.m. Jordan Peccia,…

From  Katie Gentilello 10 plays 0  

Prevent Symposium - Session 2, Molecular Level Theme

Session 2, Molecular Level Theme Chairs: John Yin and Paul Torrens2:25 p.m. Paul Turner, Yale, Plenary Talk 2:45 p.m. Marc Riedel, UMN, Presentation 2:55 p.m. David Van Valen, Caltech, Presentation…

From  Katie Gentilello 12 plays 0  

Prevent Symposium - Session 1, End-to-End Theme

Session 1, End-to-End Theme Chairs: B. Aditya Prakash and Krista Wigginton10:45 a.m. Madhav Marathe, UVA, Plenary Talk 11:05 a.m. Debra Peters, USDA, Presentation 11:15 a.m. Ruian Ke, LANL,…

From  Katie Gentilello 19 plays 0  

Prevent Symposium - Opening and Welcome Remarks, Technical Backgrounds

10:00 a.m. Opening Remarks: Sethuraman Panchanathan, NSF Director 10:10 a.m Welcome Statement: Mitra Basu, NSF 10:15 a.m. Technical Background: Symposium Chairs

From  Katie Gentilello 20 plays 0  

Alexander Gray - Logical Neural Networks: Towards Unifying Statistical and Symbolic AI

Recently there has been renewed interest in the long-standing goal of somehow unifying the capabilities of both statistical AI (learning and prediction) and symbolic AI (knowledge representation and…

From  Katie Gentilello 59 plays 0  

Jesse Thaler - Collision Course: Artificial Intelligence Meets Fundamental Interactions

Modern machine learning has had an outsized impact on many scientific fields, and fundamental physics is no exception. What is special about fundamental physics, though, is the vast amount of…

From  Katie Gentilello 10 plays 0  

Huimin Zhao - Challenges and Opportunities at the Nexus of Synthetic Biology, Machine Learning, and Automation

Inspired by the exponential growth of the microelectronic industry, my lab has been attempting to build a biofoundry that integrates biology, automation and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine…

From  Katie Gentilello 29 plays 0  

Bin Yu - Curating a COVID-19 data repository and forecasting county-level death counts in the United States​

As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, accurate forecasting continues to play an extremely important role in informing policy decisions. In this paper, we present our continuous curation of a large data…

From  Katie Gentilello 7 plays 0  

Sidney D'Mello - Understanding Human Functioning & Enhancing Human Potential through Computational Methods

It is generally accepted that computational methods can complement traditional approaches to understanding human functioning, including thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and social interactions. I…

From  Katie Gentilello 14 plays 0  

Amy McGovern - Building Trustworthy AI for Environmental Science

As climate change affects weather patterns and sea levels rise, the world’s need for accurate, usable predictions of weather and ocean and their impacts has never been greater. At the same…

From  Katie Gentilello 9 plays 0  

Introduction to Employee Self-Service and Faculty Self-Service 03.06.20

Recording of OneUSG Connect training - Introduction to Employee Self-Service and Faculty Self-Service from 03.06.20

From  Zachary Antonio 653 plays 0  

Polo Chau - Visual Data Analytics: A Short Tutorial

From  Katie Gentilello 37 plays 0  

Jennifer Neville - Towards Relational AI: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Learning over Networks

From  Katie Gentilello 44 plays 0  

Eliu Antonio Huerta Escudero - Convergence of Deep Learning and High Performance Computing: A Paradigm Shift for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics

From  Katie Gentilello 22 plays 0