Search for tag: "human"
PubMed Basics 2020This video takes novice scholars through the fundamentals of searching the PubMed database. PubMed is the essential human subjects medical database. PubMed has a new, simplified interface as of the…
From Elizabeth Holdsworth
13 plays
NNCI_REU_Convocation_Special_Presentation_2:15pm_8/07/2017Special Presentation: international REU program at the National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan
From Leslie O'Neill
3 plays
SIAM_IP9_8:30am_08/04/2017IP9 Caratheodory Style Theorems for Discrete Optimization and Game Theory
From Anton Leykin
9 plays
SIAM_IP7_8:30am_08/03/2017IP7 Gaussian Graphical Models from an Algebraic, Geometric and Combinatorial Perspective
From Anton Leykin
60 plays
SIAM_SP1_5:15pm_08/02/2017SP1 SIAG/AG Early Career Prize Lecture: A Brief History of Smale's 17th Problem
From Anton Leykin
26 plays
A Bridge Between Architecture and Civil Engineering - Santiago CalatravaSpecial public lecture presented on December 13, 2013 from 2:00- 3:00 pm in the LeCraw Auditorium, Scheller College of Business.
From Katie Gentilello
96 plays
Science CommunicatorSocial Media for Scientists and Engineers: A Workshop with Dr. Paige Jarreau
From Mark Keever
8 plays