Cyberpsychology is the interdisciplinary study of the psychology of cyberspace and those who use the tools of cyberspace. This field identifies and explores the overlap between online and offline…
Courtney Crooks Date
April 15th, 2022
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is gaining popularity in industry sectors, such as aerospace, automobile, medicine, and construction. As the market value of the AM industry…
Sizhuang Liang Date
April 8th, 2022
Bad guys live forever, and they adapt and become legends. The threat landscape has completely changed. In the last twelve months we have seen supply chain attacks, an increase in ransomware (with an…
Aamir Lakhani Date
April 1st, 2022
Why are all your favorite websites asking you to accept cookies? Why should you use and trust facial recognition software at the airport to help you get through security? How are businesses using…
Blake Brannon Date
March 18th, 2022
Recent scholarship on artificial intelligence (AI) and international security focuses on the political and ethical consequences of replacing human warriors with machines. Yet AI is not a simple…
Jon Lindsay Date
March 11th, 2022
Organizations across the world are revisiting geography-based cybersecurity and travel restrictions in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.During this talk, we will explore the tools, settings,…
Jerry Perullo Date
March 4th, 2022
State-imposed Internet shutdowns, which represent the most extreme form of online censorship, are globally gaining in popularity. Previous research has highlighted the human rights implications of…
Anita Gohdes Date
February 18th, 2022
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) underlies many of the nation's critical infrastructures. As CPS infrastructure becomes exposed to the contested world through networks, CPS security becomes much…
J. Sukarno Mertoguno Date
February 11th, 2022
Elections rely on people, hardware, and software, all of which are fallible and subject to manipulation. Voting equipment is built by private vendors using foreign parts. Many states outsource…
Philip B. Stark Date
February 4th, 2022
This panel brings together experts on the cyber dimension of the conflict in Ukraine to explore its geopolitical context and potential trajectories. The Russian military intervention in Ukraine has…
Aaron Brantly, Nadiya Kostyuk, Jon Lindsay, Lennart Maschmeyer, Glib Pakharenko Date
January 28th, 2022
This research addresses the challenge of privacy in 6G wireless networks using Artificial Intelligence. Privacy and prevention of eavesdropping are significant concerns in 6G networks, warranting…
Brian Kelley Date
January 21st, 2022
For over 50 years, the cybersecurity community has sought to protect vulnerable systems and users from victimization. Despite ongoing and valiant work at adoption and usability, some users cannot or…
Josiah Dykstra Date
November 5th, 2021
Can cyber deterrence work? Existing scholarly works argue that deterrence by punishment using cyberattacks is ineffective because the difficulty of attributing the origin of cyberattacks makes the…
Nadiya Kostyuk Date
October 29th, 2021
Jonathan Fuller, c3pO: Large-Scale Study Of Covert Monitoring of C&C Servers via Over-Permissioned Protocol Infiltration Current techniques to monitor botnets towards disruption or takedown are…
Jonathan Fuller, Carter Yagemann, Sena Sahin Date
October 22nd, 2021
Chris Rouland Date
October 15th, 2021
Cryptography is deployed at scale to protect data, both in transit and at rest. However, protocols are often designed or even deployed aiming for security that extends beyond what is formally…
Joseph Jaeger Date
October 8th, 2021