Search for tag: "instruction"

Georgia Tech Archives Collecting Areas

This video discusses the subject areas, formats, and types of materials you can find in the Georgia Tech Archives.

From  Elizabeth Holdsworth 4 plays 0  

What are Archives?

In this video, you will learn what archives do, what they collect, and why they are important. Preservation and access to archival materials is also discussed.

From  Elizabeth Holdsworth 29 plays 0  

SMARTech Research Tutorial

Learn how to search the SMARTech repository to find research-related materials.

From  Elizabeth Holdsworth 5 plays 0  

Learning Outcomes and Assessment - Karen Viars

Karen Viars, MSIT, MIS Humanities & Science Fiction Librarian Liaison to the School of Literature, Media and Communication Georgia Institute of Technology…

From  Katie Gentilello 14 plays 0  

Teaching Technology: Best Practices / Tips and Tricks - Alison Valk

Alison Valk, MLIS Co-Coordinator Library Instruction Subject Librarian: College of Computing Multimedia and Emerging Technologies…

From  Katie Gentilello 19 plays 0  

Best Teaching Practices - Seth Porter

Seth Porter, MA, MLIS Co-Coordinator of Instruction & Social Science Liaison at Georgia Institute of Technology Slides:…

From  Katie Gentilello 24 plays 0  

New Tool Showcase - Kaltura In-Video Quizzing

"How To" Interactive Video Quiz Tutorials

+81 More
From  Kaltura Integration 41 plays 0  


From  Sean Brennan 2 plays 0  


From  Sean Brennan 3 plays 0  


From  Sean Brennan 3 plays 0  


+97 More
From  Matthew Bain 5 plays 0