Search for tag: "machine"
Reuth Mirsky - The Seeing Eye Robot: Developing a Human-Aware Artificial CollaboratorAutomated care systems are becoming more tangible than ever: recent breakthroughs in robotics and machine learning can be used to address the need for automated care created by the increasing aging…
From Katie Gentilello
7 plays
Arthur Gretton – Generalized Energy-Based ModelsArthur Gretton will describe Generalized Energy Based Models (GEBM) for generative modeling. These models combine two trained components: a base distribution (generally an implicit model, as in a…
From Katie Gentilello
32 plays
Francis Bach - Structured Prediction - Beyond Support Vector Machine and Cross EntropyMany classification tasks in machine learning lie beyond the classical binary and multi-class classification settings. In those tasks, the output elements are structured objects made of…
From Katie Gentilello
10 plays
Alekh Agarwal - Towards a Theory of Representation Learning for Reinforcement LearningProvably sample-efficient reinforcement learning from rich observational inputs remains a key open challenge in research. While impressive recent advances have allowed the use of linear modelling…
From Katie Gentilello
25 plays
Jie Tan - Learning Locomotion: From Simulation to Real WorldDeep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) holds the promise of designing complex robotic controllers automatically. In this talk, I will discuss two different approaches to apply deep reinforcement learning…
From Katie Gentilello
6 plays
Qi Wei - Generative models based on point processes for financial time series simulationIn this seminar, I will talk about generative models based on point processes for financial time series simulation. Specifically, we focus on a recently developed state-dependent Hawkes (sdHawkes)…
From Katie Gentilello
6 plays
Ellie Pavlick - You can lead a horse to water...: Representing vs. Using Features in Neural NLPA wave of recent work has sought to understand how pretrained language models work. Such analyses have resulted in two seemingly contradictory sets of results. On one hand, work based on…
From Katie Gentilello
13 plays
Csaba Szepesvari - Compressed computation of good policies in large MDPsMarkov decision processes (MDPs) is a framework that captures keys aspect of many real-world decision making problems with the few assumptions. Unfortunately, as a result MDPs lack structure and as…
From Katie Gentilello
22 plays
Vincent Tan - Learning Tree Models in Noise: Exact Asymptotics and Robust AlgorithmsWe consider the classical problem of learning tree-structured graphical models but with the twist that the observations are corrupted in independent noise. For the case in which the noise is…
From Katie Gentilello
22 plays
Bolei Zhou - Interpretable latent space and inverse problem in deep generative modelsRecent progress in deep generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has enabled synthesizing photo-realistic images, such as faces and scenes. However, it remains much less…
From Katie Gentilello
37 plays
Jia-Bin Huang - Bringing Visual Memories to LifePhotography allows us to capture and share memorable moments of our lives. However, 2D images appear flat due to the lack of depth perception and may suffer from poor imaging conditions such as…
From Katie Gentilello
24 plays
ML@GT Lab presents LAB LIGHTNING TALKS 2020Labs affiliated with the Machine Learning Center at Georgia Tech (ML@GT) will have the opportunity to share their research interests, work, and unique aspects of their lab in three minutes or less to…
From Katie Gentilello
27 plays
Let's Talk About Bias and Diversity in Data, Software, and InstitutionsBias and lack of diversity have long been deep-rooted problems across industries. We discuss how these issues impact data, software, and institutions, and how we can improve moving forward.The panel…
From Katie Gentilello
18 plays
Ankur Parikh - Towards High Precision Text GenerationDespite large advances in neural text generation in terms of fluency, existing generation techniques are prone to hallucination and often produce output that is unfaithful or irrelevant to the source…
From Katie Gentilello
16 plays
Applying Emerging Technologies In Service of Journalism at The New York TimesEmerging technologies, particularly within computer vision, photogrammetry, and spatial computing, are unlocking new forms of storytelling for journalists to help people understand the world around…
From Katie Gentilello
15 plays
Adriana Kovashka - Reasoning about Complex Media from Weak Multi-modal SupervisionIn a world of abundant information targeting multiple senses, and increasingly powerful media, we need new mechanisms to model content. Techniques for representing individual channels, such as visual…
From Katie Gentilello
8 plays