Search for tag: "national"
What does our research tell us about our online students?Speaker: Dr. Rob Kadel, Asst. Director, Research in Education Innovation, Center for 21st Century Universities Date/Time: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST Location: Global Learning…
From Desmond J Gardfrey
19 plays
Managing a Large Online ClassSpeakers: Dr. Joel Sokol, Director, M.S. in Analytics/Online Master of Science in Analytics/Associate Professor, Dr. Leo Mark. Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Georgia Tech Professional…
From Desmond J Gardfrey
15 plays
NNCI_REU_Convocation_Special_Presentation_2:15pm_8/07/2017Special Presentation: international REU program at the National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan
From Leslie O'Neill
3 plays
The Future of Housing Affordability and Access to the City - Nathaniel Smith, Sarah Watson, Dan Immergluck, Andre DickensThe Symposium began in the Stubbins Gallery with three presentations by Nathaniel Smith, Founder and CEO, Partnership for Southern Equity; Sarah Watson, Deputy Director, Citizens Planning Housing…
From Katie Gentilello
41 plays
Keji Lai - Near-field Microwave Imaging of Electrostatically Modulated Quantum MaterialsField-effect transistors (FETs) are the backbone of modern semiconductor devices. The same concept of electrostatic modulation of carrier densities has also been very fruitful for the exploration of…
From Katie Gentilello
80 plays