Search for tag: "organization"
NNCI_REU_Convocation_Special_Presentation_2:15pm_8/07/2017Special Presentation: international REU program at the National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan
From Leslie O'Neill
3 plays
Georgia Tech Professional Education: Advance Your CareerWatch and listen as real students share their experiences with Georgia Tech Professional Education’s courses and degrees.
From Stephanie Stephens
3,098 plays
Science CommunicatorSocial Media for Scientists and Engineers: A Workshop with Dr. Paige Jarreau
From Mark Keever
8 plays
Emergent Pfaffian Relations in QuasiPlanar Models - Michael Aizenman
From Katie Gentilello
9 plays
Dean's Remark - Paul Goldbart
From Katie Gentilello
15 plays
Gene Finding as Computer Science and Machine Learning Problem- Mark BorodovskyGene Finding as Computer Science and Machine Learning Problem- Mark Borodovsky
From Terence Rushin
26 plays