Topics Around Tech
From Katie Gentilello
23 plays 0The Library invites you to learn about the uncovering of a student’s family history at segregation-era Georgia Tech and the Archives' role in restoring the… -
From Katie Gentilello
11 plays 0Wong’s We, the Data is a rallying call for extending human rights beyond our physical selves — and why we need to reboot rights in our data-intensive world.… -
From Katie Gentilello
94 plays 0Recent scholarship on artificial intelligence (AI) and international security focuses on the political and ethical consequences of replacing human warriors with… -
From Katie Gentilello
121 plays 0State-imposed Internet shutdowns, which represent the most extreme form of online censorship, are globally gaining in popularity. Previous research has highlighted the… -
From Katie Gentilello
76 plays 0Why are all your favorite websites asking you to accept cookies? Why should you use and trust facial recognition software at the airport to help you get through… -
From Katie Gentilello
18 plays 0Bias and lack of diversity have long been deep-rooted problems across industries. We discuss how these issues impact data, software, and institutions, and how we can… -
From Katie Gentilello
24 plays 0Photography allows us to capture and share memorable moments of our lives. However, 2D images appear flat due to the lack of depth perception and may suffer from poor… -
From Katie Gentilello
144 plays 0Selfish behavior can often lead to suboptimal outcome for all participants, a phenomenon illustrated by many classical examples in game theory. Over the last decade we… -
From Katie Gentilello
61 plays 0The School of Literature, Media, and Communication and the Georgia Tech Library will host science fiction author and publisher Bill Campbell at Georgia Tech on Tuesday,… -
From Katie Gentilello
63 plays 0The creation of the elements in the universe took billions of years and required various processes.The first few minutes of the big bang produced only hydrogen (H) and… -
From Katie Gentilello
32 plays 0While robots dominate repetitive works in factories, the design and control of these robots are not suitable for relatively complex tasks that humans do easily. These… -
From Katie Gentilello
99 plays 0Despite all the advancement in authentication schemes, text-based authentication is perhaps still the most common way of user authentication (e.g., textual passwords or… -
From Katie Gentilello
2 plays 0Drop Day Comedy, a free open-mic comedy show for the Georgia Tech community. To prove that the nerds at Georgia Tech can be funny and not just funny-looking on the last… -
From Katie Gentilello
6 plays 0Controversy continues to circulate about evolution, raising the issue of whether public schools are the appropriate forum for teaching about the subject matter. In… -
From Katie Gentilello
121 plays 0Fluid turbulence is one of the greatest unsolved problems of classical physics (and the subject of a million dollar mathematical (Millenium) challenge). Centuries of… -
From Dacheng Chang
32 plays 0It is easy to imagine a future where cheap and powerful stand-alone head-worn ARand VR displays are central to the average person's everyday computing experience.To… -
From Dacheng Chang
5 plays 0Understanding the workplace experience is important in order to develop solutions to improve health, mood, and performance, and reduce stress. However, until recently,… -
From Kelsey Harris
28 plays 0Providing a meaningful service to our learners requires understanding their needs and learning behaviors. Several research projects, in collaboration with C21U, are…