Search for tag: "american"
André Brock - Distributed Blackness: African American CyberculturesThis presentation is a critical intervention for internet research and science and technology studies (STS), reorienting Western technoculture’s practices of “race-ass-technology”…
From Katie Gentilello
17 plays
NNCI_REU_Convocation_Special_Presentation_2:15pm_8/07/2017Special Presentation: international REU program at the National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan
From Leslie O'Neill
3 plays
SIAM_IP7_8:30am_08/03/2017IP7 Gaussian Graphical Models from an Algebraic, Geometric and Combinatorial Perspective
From Anton Leykin
60 plays
SIAM_IP1_8:30am_07/31/2017IP1 Uses of Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory in Complexity Theory
From Anton Leykin
46 plays
Student Participants 2016-17In the lab's first year, DILAC supported many courses and projects that fostered undergraduate learning in both digital tools and the humanities. The students reflect on how their projects have…
From Kevin Pittman
121 plays