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Jan 10 Lifetime Learning Campus Listening Session

From  Desmond Gardfrey 66 plays 0  

Ashok Goel, Rob Kadel, Lauren Margulieux, Brittany Aiello - Blended Learning in Practice: A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers

A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers (MIT Press) A guide to both theory and practice of blended learning offering rigorous research, case studies, and methods for the assessment of educational…

From  Katie Gentilello 19 plays 0  

Thomas C. Reeves - How Educational Design Research Can Help Win the Race Between Human Learning and Machine Learning

Over the past 25 years, major advances have been made in the development of machine learning, also referred to as "deep learning," a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) whereby computers…

From  Katie Gentilello 28 plays 0  

Jack Suess - Using IMS Standards to Advance Next-Generation Digital Learning Environments (NGDLE)

The NGDLE is a vision for a learning ecosystem not a detailed technical specification. As such, the NGDLE will evolve over time as technology matures and the research in teaching & learning…

From  Katie Gentilello 21 plays 0  

Marissa Gonzales - Desired Learning Behaviors in Online Ed.: Measuring student perceptions and practices in the OMSCS Program

As online education continues to grow in popularity, so too do educators’ concerns about the challenges facing asynchronous learning environments. The Georgia Tech OMSCS program addresses the…

From  Katie Gentilello 8 plays 0