Search for tag: "cybernetics"


Session F: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 46 plays 0  


Session A: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 122 plays 0  


IP8 Open Problems in Finite Frame Theory

From  Anton Leykin 59 plays 0  


IP4 Polynomial Dynamical Systems, Toric Differential Inclusions, and the Global Attractor Conjecture

From  Anton Leykin 12 plays 0  


IP3 Algebraic Geometry for Geometric Modeling

From  Anton Leykin 19 plays 0  


From  Shabana Figueroa 826 plays 0  


From  Shabana Figueroa 1,252 plays 0  


From  Shabana Figueroa 1,812 plays 0  

Introduction Analytics Modeling

From  Shabana Figueroa 784 plays 0  


From  Katie Gentilello 21 plays 0  

ECE 6335 04-24-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond Gardfrey 161 plays 0  

ECE 6335 04-21-2017

From  Desmond Gardfrey 44 plays 0  

ECE 6335 04-17-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond Gardfrey 146 plays 0  

ECE 6335 03-31-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond Gardfrey 55 plays 0  

ECE 6335 03-17-2017

Prof. Harley

From  Desmond Gardfrey 40 plays 0  

Science Communicator

Social Media for Scientists and Engineers: A Workshop with Dr. Paige Jarreau

From  Mark Keever 8 plays 0