Search for tag: "humanities"
Digital Humanities Summer Institute ForumView this highlight reel from the Digital Humanities Summer Institute Forum with Andrew Eichel, Sarah Lozier-Laiola, Kate Holterhoff, and Matthew Dischinger to get a glimpse into what it's like…
From Kevin Pittman
23 plays
Student Participants 2016-17In the lab's first year, DILAC supported many courses and projects that fostered undergraduate learning in both digital tools and the humanities. The students reflect on how their projects have…
From Kevin Pittman
121 plays
Emergent Pfaffian Relations in QuasiPlanar Models - Michael Aizenman
From Katie Gentilello
9 plays
Quantum Approximate Markov Chains and the Locality of Entanglement Spectrum - Fernando Brandao
From Katie Gentilello
23 plays
Dean's Remark - Paul Goldbart
From Katie Gentilello
15 plays