Search for tag: "school"
Sara Seager - The Hunt for Planet BFor thousands of years, inspired by the star-filled dark night sky, people have wondered what lies beyond Earth. Today, the search for signs of life is a key factor in modern-day planetary…
From Predrag Cvitanovic
9 plays
Timothy Min - Inducing Empathy Among Strangers Through Biofeedback-Controlled StimuliAs interfaces and installations controlled by biofeedback continue to grow in popularity, the opportunities for these systems to elicit empathy must be further explored and developed. Past research…
From Katie Gentilello
8 plays
“KARMALINK” (2021) Q&A with Director Jake WachtelIn-person screening and Q&A with director Jake Wachtel of the family mystery-adventure film “Karmalink.” Shot on location in the Khmer language with English subtitles,…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
D. Zeb Rocklin - Rigidity percolation in a random tensegrity via analytic graph theoryTensegrities are mechanical structures that include cable-like elements that are strong and lightweight relative to rigid rods yet support only extensile stress. From suspension bridges to the…
From Katie Gentilello
4 plays
Brian C. Sawyer - Compact Penning Traps for Quantum Science with Cold Atomic IonsPenning ion traps are useful experimental platforms for quantum simulation, mass spectrometry, precision metrology, and molecular ion spectroscopy. The GTRI Quantum Systems Division (QSD) has…
From Katie Gentilello
49 plays
Courtney Crooks - Cyberpsychology & Future of Cybersecurity ResearchCyberpsychology is the interdisciplinary study of the psychology of cyberspace and those who use the tools of cyberspace. This field identifies and explores the overlap between online and offline…
From Katie Gentilello
85 plays
Vladimir Rosenhaus - Feynman rules for wave turbulenceIt has long been known that weakly nonlinear field theories can have a late-time stationary state that is not the thermal state, but a wave turbulent state (the Kolmogorov-Zakharov state) with a…
From Katie Gentilello
8 plays
Sizhuang Liang - Protecting Intellectual Property in Additive Manufacturing Systems Against Optical Side-Channel AttacksAdditive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is gaining popularity in industry sectors, such as aerospace, automobile, medicine, and construction. As the market value of the AM industry…
From Katie Gentilello
22 plays
Gang Cao - Opportunities created by spin-orbit interactionsEffects of spin-orbit interactions in condensed matter are an important and rapidly evolving topic. A sea change occurred with the discovery of spin-orbit interactions in graphene by Mele and Kane,…
From Katie Gentilello
15 plays