Search for tag: "summer"
iGniTe: Getting Involved in Campus and Community-based Sustainability as a Georgia Tech StudentLearn how you can incorporate sustainability and community-engagement into your coursework, extracurricular activities, and research at Georgia Tech! Four fabulous faculty who partner regularly with…
From Katie Gentilello
2 plays
Ruth Kanfer - Ageless Talent: Enhancing the Performance and Well-Being of Your Age-Diverse WorkforceKanfer will discuss the book’s strategies and tools for addressing problems related to employee motivation, performance, and well-being in the context of rapid technological and social change.…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Sourav Banerjee - Biomimetic Understanding to Fabrication of Artificial Basilar Membrane, Blood-Brain Barrier Microchip, and SAW devicesMicroelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are gradually transforming at the interface of biology for multiple novel applications in the future. Integrated Material Assessment and Predictive Simulation…
From Katie Gentilello
3 plays
Arden Moore - Heat Transfer Across Length Scales – Focus on Thermal Management and Advanced SensingThe rapid development of faster, cheaper, and more powerful computing has led to some of the most important technological and societal advances in modern history. However, the physical means…
From Katie Gentilello
11 plays
Mengkun Tian - In-situ heating in ST/TEMIn-situ heating experiment performed in the scanning/ transmission electron microscopes (STEM/TEM) allows us to directly observe the dynamic behaviors of the materials with sizes ranging from micron-…
From Katie Gentilello
37 plays
Ben Hollerbach - Fundamentals of Photomask DesignThe creation of a photomask set is the first step to producing any variety of semiconductor devices. Thinking through how each mask will be used and the processing steps around them will ensure a…
From Katie Gentilello
67 plays
Chris White - Wire-bonding Overview and Packaging Toolsets at Georgia Tech IENThe shared user labs within the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology at Georgia Tech include an electronics packaging toolset. A brief overview of assembly and interconnection toolsets and…
From Katie Gentilello
55 plays
David Tavakoli - X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) for the Analysis of Thin FilmsXRD is a powerful technique to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of materials and is most widely used for the identification of unknown crystalline materials. Determination of unknown…
From Katie Gentilello
127 plays
The Atlanta Beltline: From Vision to Reality - Ryan Gravel, Odetta MacLeish-White, Michael BryanJoin SLS and the iGniTe First Year Summer Launch Programs for "The Atlanta Beltline: From Vision to Reality", an engaging talk and conversation about the launch and evolution of the…
From Katie Gentilello
82 plays
Session 2: Artificial Intelligence Process Control & Scaling Nanotechnology - Matthew PutmanThis seminar will focus on the future of advanced manufacturing and how Nanotronics is bringing tools and software to market to help achieve that vision. Central to that vision is the concept of…
From Katie Gentilello
14 plays
Session 1: nSpec® – Tools for the Next Industrial Revolution A History of Nanotronics & Technological Convergence - Matthew PutmanThis seminar will focus on the future of advanced manufacturing and how Nanotronics is bringing tools and software to market to help achieve that vision. Central to that vision is the concept of…
From Katie Gentilello
20 plays
The Future of Advanced Manufacturing - Welcome Address & Seminar Overview - Dr. Paul JosephCombining optical microscopy, computational super-resolution, artificial intelligence, and robotics, Nanotronics is bringing the world’s most advanced microscope to every manufacturing sector.…
From Katie Gentilello
11 plays
Characterization of cementitious materials using X-ray synchrotron radiation: What we know, what we don’t know, and what we want to know - Paulo MonteiroFor the last two decades, our research group has conducted research in various international synchrotron facilities, including ALS (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), APS (Argonne National Lab),…
From Katie Gentilello
60 plays
Smart, Connected Communities Welcome Address - Jennifer Hirsch, Rafael BrasServe-Learn-Sustain is hosting this satellite conference for the second year in a row as part of the NSF-sponsored Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS), launched by UNC-Charlotte…
From Katie Gentilello
15 plays