Search for tag: "times"

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Atlanta Business Chronicle Tutorial

This brief tutorial shows Georgia Tech users how to sign up for free online accounts with the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Atlanta Business chronicle.

From  Gabriel Nagel 4 plays 0  

What is Modeling

From  Shabana Figueroa 465 plays 0  

ECE 6335 04-05-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond J Gardfrey 43 plays 0  


From  Katie Gentilello 9 plays 0  

ECE 6335 03-06-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond J Gardfrey 45 plays 0  

ECE 6335 02-22-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond J Gardfrey 33 plays 0  

Approximate Gaussian Elimination for Laplacians: Fast, Sparse, and Simple - Rasmus Kyng

We show how to perform sparse approximate Gaussian elimination for Laplacian matrices. We present a simple, nearly linear time algorithm that approximates a Laplacian by a matrix with a sparse…

From  Katie Gentilello 120 plays 0  

CO2 Capture from Air - Lalit A. Darunte

From  Katie Gentilello 29 plays 0  


From  Alec Lombardo 3 plays 0  


From  Sarah Fox 8 plays 0  


From  Sean Brennan 0 plays 0  


From  Matthew Bain 1 plays 0  


From  Matthew Bain 0 plays 0  


From  Matthew Bain 0 plays 0  


From  Matthew Bain 0 plays 0  


From  Rui Hu 0 plays 0