01:26:02duration 1 hour 26 minutes
Jason Borenstein - Intelligent Design in the…
Jason Borenstein - Intelligent Design in the Classroom?
Controversy continues to circulate about…
01:06:17duration 1 hour 6 minutes
Chris Dorn - Innocent Targets: When Terrorism…
Chris Dorn - Innocent Targets: When Terrorism Comes to School
The terrorist attack that killed more than 300…
01:17:40duration 1 hour 17 minutes
Thad Starner - Face to Face Discussion with…
Thad Starner - Face to Face Discussion with Wearable Computers
Dr. Starner is one of the pioneers of wearable…
01:05:44duration 1 hour 5 minutes
Peter J. Ludovice - Thinking Outside the Black…
Peter J. Ludovice - Thinking Outside the Black Box: Getting People Excited about Science and Engineering
A number of societal factors are contributing to…