Search for tag: "fall 2022"
Marina Bedny - The role of cortical pluripotency in human cognitionHumans are unique among animals not only in their shared cognitive capacities but also in their remarkable adaptability to diverse environments. Studies with people born blind provide insights into…
From Steven Marzec
0 plays
Mazen Farhood - Robust Control Tools for Validating UAS Flight ControllersThis talk presents a framework based on robust control theory to aid in the certification process of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) flight controllers. Uncertainties are characterized and quantified…
From Katie Gentilello
43 plays
Sara Seager - The Hunt for Planet BFor thousands of years, inspired by the star-filled dark night sky, people have wondered what lies beyond Earth. Today, the search for signs of life is a key factor in modern-day planetary…
From Predrag Cvitanovic
9 plays
Jeffrey Markowitz - Dopamine specifies the statistics of spontaneous behaviorSpontaneous animal behavior is built from action modules that are concatenated by the brain into sequences. However, the neural mechanisms that shape the composition of self-motivated behavior…
From Steven Marzec
8 plays
Akanksha Menon - Thermally Responsive Materials for Clean Water and EnergyThe global demand for energy and water is projected to increase by 40% and 55%, respectively, by 2050. Meeting these targets in an efficient, affordable, and sustainable manner necessitates…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Chengzhi Shi - Ultrasound for Brain Imaging and TherapyThe development of acoustic metamaterials and the resulted manipulation of ultrasound wave propagation have led to many important technologies that can potentially be applied in medical diagnostics…
From Katie Gentilello
2 plays
Zachary Manchester - Composable Optimization for Robotic Motion Planning and ControlContact interactions are pervasive in key real-world robotic tasks like manipulation and walking. However, the non-smooth dynamics associated with impacts and friction remain challenging to model,…
From Katie Gentilello
41 plays
John Tuthill - Neural Mechanisms of Limb Proprioception in the fruit fly (Drosophila)Proprioception, the sense of self-movement and body position, is critical for the effective control of motor behavior. Humans lacking proprioceptive feedback, such as patients with peripheral nerve…
From Steven Marzec
7 plays
Fikri Birey - In vitro Modeling of Human Cortical Assembly in Health and DiseaseAssembly of inhibitory and excitatory neurons into networks represents a critical period in the development of the cerebral cortex during which early principles of circuit formation and function are…
From Steven Marzec
1 plays
Ralph Hollis - BallbotsWho would want to make a mobile robot that has only a single spherical wheel? Well, I did! My talk will trace the development of the first successful “ballbot,” beginning in 2004. Now,…
From Katie Gentilello
8 plays
Younan Xia - Biomimetic Scaffolds for Tissue Repair and RegenerationWe are seeking to augment rotator cuff repair and peripheral nerve regeneration by developing biomimetic scaffolds capable of recapitulating the compositional, structural, mechanical, and cellular…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Extension of Self: what it means to be human in a digital worldFour artists from the Extension of Self exhibit sit on a panel with Birney Robert to discuss their art practice and how they navigate the digital world and identity. They question the role that…
From Katie Gentilello
8 plays