Search for tag: "nano@tech lecture series"

Yonggang Ke - Self-assembly of DNA-based nanomaterials and environmental remediation

A key challenge in nanotechnology is the precise…

From  Katie Gentilello 0 plays 0  

Shaloo Rakheja - An engineer’s perspective on antiferromagnetic spintronics

Antiferromagnets (AFM) materials have ordered…

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

Grant E. Johnson - Atomically-Precise Materials Prepared Using Ion Soft Landing

Scientific challenges that underlie efficient…

From  Katie Gentilello 1 plays 0  

Akanksha Menon - Thermally Responsive Materials for Clean Water and Energy

The global demand for energy and water is…

From  Katie Gentilello 1 plays 0  

Chengzhi Shi - Ultrasound for Brain Imaging and Therapy

The development of acoustic metamaterials and the…

From  Katie Gentilello 2 plays 0  

Younan Xia - Biomimetic Scaffolds for Tissue Repair and Regeneration

We are seeking to augment rotator cuff repair and…

From  Katie Gentilello 1 plays 0  

Spyros Pavlidis - Next-Generation Vertical GaN Power Devices Using Selective-Area Doping Techniques

In recent years, there has been a surge of…

From  Katie Gentilello 6 plays 0  

Aniruddh Sarkar - Micro-/Nano-scale Tools for Biomarker Discovery and Electronic Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases

The current COVID-19 pandemic and other recent…

From  Katie Gentilello 8 plays 0  

Carson Meredith - Advances in Cellulose Nanomaterial Utilization in Renewable Materials

This talk will review several recent advances in…

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

Leslie Chan - Harnessing In Vivo Enzymatic Activity to Engineer Synthetic Breath Biomarkers of Disease

Breath testing is a non-invasive and rapid…

From  Katie Gentilello 9 plays 0  

Lauren M. Garten - Determining the Impact of Strain on Magnetoelectric Coupling in Artificial Multiferroic Heterostructures

Magnetoelectricity presents a unique opportunity…

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

Martin Mourigal - The New Wave of Quantum Magnetism

Magnetism is a fascinating phenomenon with roots…

From  Katie Gentilello 6 plays 0  

W. Alan Doolittle - Creative Epitaxy: Finding Ways to Violate Assumptions that Breach Material Barriers

Epitaxial processes are considered routine for…

From  Katie Gentilello 14 plays 0  

Gleb Yushin - Next Generation Materials as the Foundation for Future Li-Ion Batteries

During the last 30 years the evolutionary…

From  Katie Gentilello 9 plays 0  

David N. Ku - Novel Ways to Use POC and Nanotechnology in Clinical Medicine

Nano and microtechnologies have a big potential…

From  Katie Gentilello 6 plays 0  

Sourabh Saha - Projection Two-Photon Lithography for Rapid and Versatile Nanoscale 3D Printing

High-throughput fabrication techniques for…

From  Katie Gentilello 20 plays 0