Search for tag: "probability"


Session A: Global Learning Center Room 222

+85 More
From  Leslie O'Neill 123 plays 0  


IP10 Structured Polynomial Systems in Cryptography

From  Anton Leykin 12 plays 0  


IP8 Open Problems in Finite Frame Theory

+107 More
From  Anton Leykin 60 plays 0  


IP6 Curves with Complex Multiplication and Applications to Cryptography

+99 More
From  Anton Leykin 18 plays 0  


IP5 Stochastic Geometry with Topological Flavor

+49 More
From  Anton Leykin 5 plays 0  


IP4 Polynomial Dynamical Systems, Toric Differential Inclusions, and the Global Attractor Conjecture

From  Anton Leykin 12 plays 0  


From  Shabana Figueroa 1,286 plays 0  


From  Shabana Figueroa 1,853 plays 0  


From  Shabana Figueroa 2,633 plays 0  

Lecture 7: Stochastic Methods for Robotics - Gregory S. Chirikjian

Mini Course: Stochastic Methods for RoboticsInstructor: Gregory S. Chirikjian, Johns Hopkins University Reading Materials: Slides for lectures will be distributed. Additionally, two books by the…

From  Katie Gentilello 179 plays 0  

Lecture 2: Stochastic Methods for Robotics - Gregory S. Chirikjian

Mini Course: Stochastic Methods for RoboticsInstructor: Gregory S. Chirikjian, Johns Hopkins University Reading Materials: Slides for lectures will be distributed. Additionally, two books by the…

From  Katie Gentilello 317 plays 0  


+56 More
From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

ECE 6335 02-10-2017

Professor Harley

+78 More
From  Desmond J Gardfrey 34 plays 0  


+93 More
From  Sean Brennan 3 plays 0  

Approximate Gaussian Elimination for Laplacians: Fast, Sparse, and Simple - Rasmus Kyng

We show how to perform sparse approximate Gaussian elimination for Laplacian matrices. We present a simple, nearly linear time algorithm that approximates a Laplacian by a matrix with a sparse…

From  Katie Gentilello 120 plays 0  

Honeycomb Schroedinger Operators in the Strong Binding Regime - Michael Weinstein

+69 More
From  Katie Gentilello 6 plays 0