Search for tag: "psychology colloquium"

Emilio Ferrer - Modeling Developmental Processes Using Accelerated Cohort-Sequential Data

Studying the time-related course of psychological…

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  

David Woods - How to Kill Zombie Ideas: Why do people tenaciously believe myths about the relationship between people & technology?

Zombie ideas plague much of the discussions on…

From  Katie Gentilello 372 plays 0  

Andrew R. A. Conway - General Intelligence Explained (Away)

For more than a century, the standard view in the…

From  Katie Gentilello 14 plays 0  

Andrew Mark Williams - Perceptual-Cognitive Expertise

From  Katie Gentilello 0 plays 0  

Stephan Lewandowsky - Resisting the Knowledge Dementors: The Truth about “Post-Truth”

We are said to live in a “post-truth”…

From  Katie Gentilello 8 plays 0  

Anna Schapiro - Learning distributed representations in the human brain

The remarkable success of neural network models…

From  Katie Gentilello 7 plays 0  

Jerome R. Busemeyer - Temporal oscillations in preference strength provide evidence for a quantum-Markov open system model of preference evolution

We examined how preferences evolve across time in…

From  Katie Gentilello 21 plays 0  

Neal Kingston - It's the end of testing as we know it... and I feel fine

Neal Kingston will not sing about where testing…

From  Katie Gentilello 11 plays 0  

Ashley Whillans - Alleviating time poverty among the working poor

From  Katie Gentilello 4 plays 0  

Kimberly French - Work, Family, and Physiological Health

Work and family are two core sources of personal…

From  Katie Gentilello 11 plays 0