Search for tag: "series"
Guanya Shi - Unifying Semantic and Physical Intelligence for Generalist Humanoid RobotsHumanoid robots offer two unparalleled advantages in general-purpose embodied intelligence. First, humanoids are built as generalist robots that can potentially do all the tasks humans can do in…
From Katie Gentilello
95 plays
Levi Hargrove - Regenstein Center for Bionic Medicine: Intuitive Control of Bionic LimbsAmputation is a leading cause of disability, and prosthetic devices are commonly accepted treatment options to restore functional capabilities. However, current prosthetic devices still cannot fully…
From Katie Gentilello
24 plays
Talia Moore - A symbiotic philosophy for bio-inspired roboticsHumans have frequently looked to natural phenomena to inspire the design of art, structures, and mechanisms. However, there are as many different ways to learn from nature as there are words for this…
From Katie Gentilello
20 plays
Masayoshi Tomizuka - From State Space Control to Intelligent Machines: A Five-Decade Journey in Mechanical Systems ControlMasayoshi Tomizuka joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of UC Berkeley in 1974 after obtaining a PhD from MIT in the same year. It was an exciting time for someone in the field of dynamic…
From Katie Gentilello
40 plays
Donald B. Katz - The Nonlinear Population Dynamics Underlying Taste Perception and ActionWe study the neural ensemble dynamics of sensori-motor processes in awake rodents, combining behavior, multi-neuronal electrophysiology, complex analysis and modeling, pharmacology and optogenetics…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Gordon Berman - Themes and Variations in Animal BehaviorThe Berman lab uses theoretical, computational, and data-driven approaches to gain quantitative insight into entire repertoires of animal behaviors, aiming to make connections to the neurobiology,…
From Katie Gentilello
3 plays
Todd Murphey - Control Principles for Robot LearningEmbodied learning systems rely on motion synthesis to enable efficient and flexible learning during continuous online deployment. Motion motivated by learning needs can be found throughout natural…
From Katie Gentilello
91 plays
Feifei Qian - Robotic Locomotion and Sensing on Deformable TerrainsAchieving robust mobility on natural and deformable terrains is pivotal for robots to operate effectively in real-world scenarios. Despite remarkable progress in robotics hardware and software,…
From Katie Gentilello
70 plays
Kevin Lynch - Autonomous and Human-Collaborative Robotic ManipulationResearch at the Center for Robotics and Biosystems at Northwestern University includes bio-inspiration, neuromechanics, human-machine systems, and swarm robotics, among other topics. In this talk I…
From Katie Gentilello
77 plays
Michael Posa - Do We Really Need all that Data? Learning and Control for Contact-rich ManipulationFor all the promise of big-data machine learning, what will happen when robots deploy to our homes and workplaces and inevitably encounter new objects, new tasks, and new environments? If a solution…
From Katie Gentilello
10 plays
Bradley Dickerson - Functionally Stratified Encoding in a Biological GyroscopeFlies are among nature’s most agile flying creatures. This exquisite maneuverability is due in part to their possession of specialized mechanosensory organs known as the halteres. The halteres…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Koushil Sreenath - Dynamic Legged LocoManipulation: Balancing Reinforcement Learning with Model-Based ControlModel-based control methods such as control Lyapunov and control barrier functions can provide formal guarantees of stability and safety for dynamic legged locomotion, given a precise model of the…
From Katie Gentilello
3 plays
Yonggang Ke - Self-assembly of DNA-based nanomaterials and environmental remediationA key challenge in nanotechnology is the precise fabrication of complex nanostructures and nanodevices. DNA nanotechnology has attracted significant attention due to its programmability and its…
From Katie Gentilello
0 plays
Shaloo Rakheja - An engineer’s perspective on antiferromagnetic spintronicsAntiferromagnets (AFM) materials have ordered spin moments that alternate between individual atomic sites, which gives them a vanishing macroscopic magnetic signature and picosecond intrinsic…
From Katie Gentilello
2 plays