Search for tag: "technical"
David Tavakoli - X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) for the Analysis of Thin FilmsXRD is a powerful technique to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of materials and is most widely used for the identification of unknown crystalline materials. Determination of unknown…
From Katie Gentilello
127 plays
Mikkel A. Thomas - Etching at GT-IEN: A Review of Processes and EquipmentEtching is one of the fundamental building blocks of microelectronic fabrication. Removing material through chemical or physical means is an essential skill found in most microelectronics…
From Katie Gentilello
31 plays
Richard Shafer - Laser Micromachining at GT-IENThe Institute of Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN) Laser Micro-machining Laboratory has been in operation since 2014. The mission of the laser micro-machining laboratory is to provide the…
From Katie Gentilello
66 plays
Hang Chen - Photolithography at GT-IEN: An Overview of Processes and EquipmentPhotolithography has always been the most important technique in microelectronics fabrication. It uses light to transfer a geometric pattern from a photomask (also called an optical mask) to a…
From Katie Gentilello
62 plays
Devin K. Brown - Elionix ELS-G100 100 kV Electron Beam Lithography System - Enabling NanotechnologyThe Elionix ELS-G100 is a direct write electron beam lithography system that uses a 100 kV acceleration voltage and a 1.8 nm spot Gaussian beam to achieve nanometer scale resolution. The Elionix…
From Katie Gentilello
134 plays
SIAM_IP4_1:30pm_08/01/2017IP4 Polynomial Dynamical Systems, Toric Differential Inclusions, and the Global Attractor Conjecture
From Anton Leykin
12 plays
Advances in Parylene Technology for Improving Reliability for Innovative Technology - Rakesh KumarThe role of polymers in the electronics and medical arenas, particularly in miniaturized devices and electronic components, continues to grow rapidly. As the number of medical devices and electronics…
From Katie Gentilello
29 plays
ECE8813(02): Antennas in Circuits for Communications and Energy HarvestingDiscussion of Antennas in Circuits and Electronics for Energy Harvesting
From Gregory Durgin
20 plays
Honeycomb Schroedinger Operators in the Strong Binding Regime - Michael Weinstein
From Katie Gentilello
6 plays
Universality of transport coefficients in the HaldaneHubbard model - Alessandro Giuliani
From Katie Gentilello
10 plays
Emergent Pfaffian Relations in QuasiPlanar Models - Michael Aizenman
From Katie Gentilello
9 plays