Search for tag: "fall 2023"
Donald B. Katz - The Nonlinear Population Dynamics Underlying Taste Perception and ActionWe study the neural ensemble dynamics of sensori-motor processes in awake rodents, combining behavior, multi-neuronal electrophysiology, complex analysis and modeling, pharmacology and optogenetics…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Seth Hutchinson - Robotics Days for Industry 2023 Welcome and OverviewIRIM hosted Robotics Days for Industry on Wednesday and Thursday, November 29-30, 2023 in Klaus Advanced Computing Building (Room 1116) located at 266 Ferst Drive, Atlanta GA, 30332.
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays
Michael Posa - Do We Really Need all that Data? Learning and Control for Contact-rich ManipulationFor all the promise of big-data machine learning, what will happen when robots deploy to our homes and workplaces and inevitably encounter new objects, new tasks, and new environments? If a solution…
From Katie Gentilello
10 plays
Bradley Dickerson - Functionally Stratified Encoding in a Biological GyroscopeFlies are among nature’s most agile flying creatures. This exquisite maneuverability is due in part to their possession of specialized mechanosensory organs known as the halteres. The halteres…
From Katie Gentilello
1 plays