08:03duration 8 minutes 3 seconds
Setting Power Amplifier Input Levels
How to properly set the sensitivity knob on your audio amplifier.
11:43duration 11 minutes 43 seconds
Understanding PAG and NAG (Potential Acoustic…
Understanding PAG and NAG (Potential Acoustic Gain) (Needed Acoustic Gain)
Is the Audio System Stable? Is it free from 'ringing' and 'feedback'? We can calculate this to give us the best results out of our Audio System using PAG and NAG math formulas
55:34duration 55 minutes 34 seconds
Session G: Global Learning Center Room 222
50:34duration 50 minutes 34 seconds
Session E: Global Learning Center Room 222
48:10duration 48 minutes 10 seconds
ECE 6335 04-21-2017
44:52duration 44 minutes 52 seconds
ECE 6335 04-07-2017
Professor Harley
47:43duration 47 minutes 43 seconds
ECE 6335 04-05-2017
49:18duration 49 minutes 18 seconds
ECE 6335 03-31-2017
35:48duration 35 minutes 48 seconds
ECE 6335 03-27-2017
50:20duration 50 minutes 20 seconds
ECE 6335 02-22-2017
46:54duration 46 minutes 54 seconds
ECE 6335 02-20-2017
51:36duration 51 minutes 36 seconds
ECE 6335 02-15-2017
49:25duration 49 minutes 25 seconds
ECE 6335 02-01-2017
51:11duration 51 minutes 11 seconds
ECE 6335 01-27-2017
48:54duration 48 minutes 54 seconds
ECE 6335 01-25-2017
52:11duration 52 minutes 11 seconds
ECE 6335 01-23-2017