Search for tag: "materials science"

Surface Engineering and Molecular Assemblies (SEMA) Lab - Short Video

From  Michael Helms 66 plays 0  

Taylor Sloop - Porosity Allows for Tuning of Dynamic Tensile Failure

From  Katie Gentilello 3 plays 0  


Session J: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 31 plays 0  


Session B: Global Learning Center Room 323

From  Leslie O'Neill 72 plays 0  


Session G: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 54 plays 0  


Special Presentation: international REU program at the National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba, Japan

From  Leslie O'Neill 3 plays 0  


Session F: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 46 plays 0  


Session E: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 52 plays 0  


Session D: Global Learning Center Room 323

From  Leslie O'Neill 58 plays 0  


Session C: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 71 plays 0  


Session A: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 123 plays 0  

ECE 6335 04-24-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond Gardfrey 161 plays 0  


From  Katie Gentilello 2 plays 0  

FLAMEL Guest Lecture 02

Modeling of the 3D-Microstructure and Synthesis of Nano-Cellulose Based Scaffolds

From  Aleksandr Blekh 3 plays 0  

FLAMEL Guest Lecture 03

Multiscale Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes

From  Aleksandr Blekh 6 plays 0  


From  Aleksandr Blekh 8 plays 0