Search for tag: "phase transitions"


Session J: Global Learning Center Room 222

From  Leslie O'Neill 31 plays 0  

FLAMEL Guest Lecture 03

Multiscale Simulation of Additive Manufacturing…

From  Aleksandr Blekh 6 plays 0  

ECE 6335 01-23-2017

Professor Harley

From  Desmond Gardfrey 42 plays 0  

Emergent Pfaffian Relations in QuasiPlanar Models - Michael Aizenman…

+139 More
From  Katie Gentilello 9 plays 0  

Strange and subtle states of matter – the topological ideas behind the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics - Paul M. Goldbart

The gases, liquids, and solids that humans have…

+80 More
From  Katie Gentilello 37 plays 0  


From  Sean Brennan 5 plays 0  


+223 More
From  Sean Brennan 4 plays 0