Search for tag: "computer science"
Yousef Khalidi - Lessons from Designing, Building, and Operating a Hyper-scale Global Wide Area NetworkCloud computing has ushered in a new class of hyper-scale systems, characterized by large-scale distributed systems, global connectivity, and ubiquitous computing models that span the spectrum from…
From Katie Gentilello
13 plays
Mary Lou Soffa - Software Testing: And the Challenges (and Opportunities) Keep Coming!Disruptive shifts in software application types and software development environments create challenges to software testing that need to be addressed to ensure software quality and reduce the cost of…
From Katie Gentilello
8 plays
Legion — Programming Heterogeneous, Distributed Parallel Machines - Alex AikenProgrammers tend to think of parallel programming as a problem of dividing up computation, but often the most difficult part is the placement and movement of data. As machines become more complex and…
From Katie Gentilello
52 plays
SIAM_IP9_8:30am_08/04/2017IP9 Caratheodory Style Theorems for Discrete Optimization and Game Theory
From Anton Leykin
9 plays
SIAM_IP7_8:30am_08/03/2017IP7 Gaussian Graphical Models from an Algebraic, Geometric and Combinatorial Perspective
From Anton Leykin
60 plays
SIAM_SP1_5:15pm_08/02/2017SP1 SIAG/AG Early Career Prize Lecture: A Brief History of Smale's 17th Problem
From Anton Leykin
27 plays
SIAM_IP6_1:30pm_08/02/2017IP6 Curves with Complex Multiplication and Applications to Cryptography
From Anton Leykin
18 plays
SIAM_IP4_1:30pm_08/01/2017IP4 Polynomial Dynamical Systems, Toric Differential Inclusions, and the Global Attractor Conjecture
From Anton Leykin
12 plays
SIAM_IP1_8:30am_07/31/2017IP1 Uses of Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory in Complexity Theory
From Anton Leykin
47 plays
Georgia Tech Professional Education: Advance Your CareerWatch and listen as real students share their experiences with Georgia Tech Professional Education’s courses and degrees.
From Stephanie Stephens
3,099 plays